Effect of Tillage Methods on the Growth and Yeild of Egg Plant (Solanum macrocarpon)
Ibeawuchi I. I.
Ihejirika G. O.
Egbuche C. T.
Jaja E. T.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 86-89
Received: 30 April 2015
Accepted: 1 May 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The experiments on the effects of different tillage method (Flat, Bed and Trench) on the yield of egg plant (Solanum macrocarpon ) were conducted at School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) Training and Research farm, Federal University of Technology Owerri, (FUTO), Imo State Nigeria. The result showed that plant heights of Solanum macrocarpon increased with age of the plant. The apices cutting technique helped to increase the number of branches per plant and the bed tillage method performed significantly better than the flat and trench methods in flower set , fruit set and development. However, tillage methods are location specific and vary with climate, soil type, and crop and management level.
Abstract: The experiments on the effects of different tillage method (Flat, Bed and Trench) on the yield of egg plant (Solanum macrocarpon ) were conducted at School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) Training and Research farm, Federal University of Technology Owerri, (FUTO), Imo State Nigeria. The result showed that plant heights of Solanum ...
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Socio-Economic Importance and Livelihood Utilization of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgris) in Imo State Southeast Nigeria
Nwaihu E. C.
Egbuche C. T.
Onuoha G. N.
Ibe A. E.
Umeojiakor A. O.
Chukwu A. O.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 81-85
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The study was conducted in the three Local Government Areas of Mbaise; namely Aboh, Ahiazu and Ezinihitte to assess the socio-economic importance of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) in Mbaise. Respondents for the study were selected from the three Local Government Areas, and each of Local Government produced three Communities to give a total of Nine Communities to give a total of one hundred and eighty (180) respondents. The entire selection was by random and purposive sampling technique. The objectives of the study were to; determine the various uses of bamboo and to ascertain the contribution of bamboo in the present dispensation to the socio-economic well being of the people in the study area. The data were collected using questionnaire, oral interview schedule and field visits. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency distribution table and return on investment (ROI). The result showed that majority (78%) of the respondents were male, 58% were between the age of 41-50 years, 76% were married, 38% had FSLC education. The result further revealed that 130 of the respondents use bamboo for staking of yams, 164 for erosion control, 168 for watershed while 68 indicated using it for building construction. Equally, 68 stated using it to confer aesthetic beauty on structures, 148 uses it for thatching/fencing and barn construction while an insignificant number (26) use it to construct platform, for goats. The result further revealed that 73% of the respondents are owners as well as dealers, 29% are middlemen dealers (Major) while 7% are middlemen dealers (Minor). Analysis done on return on investment indicated that dealers on bamboo made 92k, 82k and 76k profit for every naira invested in the business of supply for building, staking of yams and fencing barn construction and thatching respectively. From the foregoing, bamboo contributes in no small measure to employment and income generation in the study area.
Abstract: The study was conducted in the three Local Government Areas of Mbaise; namely Aboh, Ahiazu and Ezinihitte to assess the socio-economic importance of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) in Mbaise. Respondents for the study were selected from the three Local Government Areas, and each of Local Government produced three Communities to give a total of Nine Commu...
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Bee-Keeping for Wealth Creation Among Rural Community Dwellers in Imo State, South-Eastern, Nigeria
Nwaihu E. C.
Egbuche C. T.
Onuoha G. N.
Ibe A. E.
Umeojiakor A. O.
A. O.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 73-80
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: This study was carried out in Imo State, South Eastern Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria. Five Local Government Areas and five communities were selected for the study. From the five communities, eight (8) Bee-Keepers were selected on purposive basis based on list of bee-keepers collected from Imo ADP field staff. This gave a total of 40 respondents for the study. Data for the study was collected using questionnaire, and oral interview schedule. Both primary and secondary data were used in addition to internet services. The information elicited from the respondents were based on the objectives of the study such as socio-economic characteristics, cost and return on beekeeping, constraints militating against beekeeping and the prospects of the enterprise. The data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency distribution tables, mean, Gross Margin and Net Farm Income. The result showed that the mean age of the respondents was 37 years, male respondents accounted for 72.5%, 40% had tertiary education, and family labor was the major source of labor. Personal savings (equity fund) was the major source of finance (85%), 55% had information from ADP Extension Agents, 80% use Kenyan Topbar, major Bee products processed were honey (60%) and Bee wax (40). It is profitable in the area as initial cost outlay was N15,900 and returns (Total revenue) is N42,000, thus getting N39,300 as gross marginal income with N26,100 as Net Farm Income (NFI). Lack of finance was the major constraint militating against the enterprise (39.6%) followed by Non-colonization of hives (l8.7%). However, worthwhile recommendation on making fund available to Beekeepers by Commercial Banks, engaging the services of extension staff and use of appropriate attractants like sugar solution and sweet fresh palm wine were proffered as solution to some of the teething constraints. However, the enterprise of beekeeping has bright future prospects in the area, considering the number (40) already in practice. Therefore, beekeeping can create wealth in the area and beyond.
Abstract: This study was carried out in Imo State, South Eastern Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria. Five Local Government Areas and five communities were selected for the study. From the five communities, eight (8) Bee-Keepers were selected on purposive basis based on list of bee-keepers collected from Imo ADP field staff. This gave a total of 40 respondents f...
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Climate Change, Effects and Mitigation Strategies on Aquaculture: A Review
Anyanwu C. N.
Amadi-Eke A. S.
Nwaka D. E.
C. F.
G. S.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 70-72
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: This paper review and addresses the major effects of climate change on Aquaculture, whose contributions to agriculture development are quite enormous. To achieve these objectives the status of this sub sector to the total fish supply are therefore analyzed with a view to identifying the major impacts of climate change on aquaculture. Aquaculture not practiced evenly across the globe requires an evaluation of the effects of climate change through the current aquaculture practices in the regions and the different environments. The main elements of climate change that would impact on aquaculture production include sea level and temperature rise, change in monsoon patterns and extreme climatic events and water stress, among others thereby causing varying degrees of concern either positively or negatively or directly or indirectly. Therefore, to ameliorate this adverse effect of climate change on aquaculture in Nigeria, and the world generally, attempts are made to deal with the climate change effects on the different culture systems in order to bring out all the complex attributes of climate change and the possible mitigation strategies for the future control. These will enhance aquaculture production and then claim back the expected role as a major source of animal protein in the future.
Abstract: This paper review and addresses the major effects of climate change on Aquaculture, whose contributions to agriculture development are quite enormous. To achieve these objectives the status of this sub sector to the total fish supply are therefore analyzed with a view to identifying the major impacts of climate change on aquaculture. Aquaculture no...
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The Impact of Deforestation on Soil Conditions in Anambra State of Nigeria
Anyanwu J. C.
Egbuche C. T.
Amaku. G. E.
Duruora J. O.
S. M.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 64-69
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The research was carried out to determine the impact of deforestation on soil conditions in Anambra State. Ten soil samples were collected at random at a depth of 0-35cm below the litter layer from forests and farmlands. The soil samples were collected and analyzed for pH, field capacity, soil moisture, organic carbon, bulk density, soil micro-organism and particle size distribution. The result revealed that soil texture was mostly sandy except in some areas such as Atani, Nzam, Mmiata and Oroma-etiti, where it was generally heavy (clay loam). The result also revealed that the soil samples from the forests have better physical, chemical and biological properties compared to samples from farmlands. The results showed considerable variation for the soil physical, chemical and biological properties across the study area. Soil data were analyzed using Least Significant Difference (LSD). The analysis revealed that the main effect of land use was significant (p<0.05) for soil moisture, bulk density, organic carbon, organic matter, pH, viable bacteria number and viable fungal propagule. It was not significant for sand, silt, clay and field capacity. The interaction effect of location and land use on soil properties were significant (p<0.05) only for soil moisture, it was not significant for other soil variables. The study recommended, among others, the protection of forests from deforestation so as to maintain good soil conditions in the study area.
Abstract: The research was carried out to determine the impact of deforestation on soil conditions in Anambra State. Ten soil samples were collected at random at a depth of 0-35cm below the litter layer from forests and farmlands. The soil samples were collected and analyzed for pH, field capacity, soil moisture, organic carbon, bulk density, soil micro-orga...
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Investigation into the Effectiveness of Selected Bio-Based Preservatives on Control of Termite and Fungi of Wood in Service
Faruwa Francis Akinyele
Egbuche C.T.
Umeojiakor A. O.
Ulocha O. B.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 59-63
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The study focused on the effectiveness of using bio based preservatives as a controlling measure to biodetoriation from fungi and termite for wood in service. Wood samples of Triplochiton scleroxylon, Gmelina arborea, Ceiba pentandra used for the study were obtained from the sawmill of Ondo State Afforestation Project (OSAP) Oluwa and processed at the wood workshop of the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure. The sample were converted into 60 mm × 20 mm × 20 mm and seasoned to 12 % moisture content. The samples were treated with bio-preservatives from Parkia biglobosa, Tridax procumbens and tar oil obtained via pyrolysis. This study showed that even though Ceiba pentandra has the highest retention for the preservatives, it is the most susceptible to fungal and termite attack. Gmelina arborea with the lowest retention have resistance to termite and fungal attack, thus, the effectiveness of the preservatives on the wood samples is not only determined by the retention level of each preservative but also the chemical constituent (pH) of the preservative. This study recommends the use of tar oil for preservation of the wood samples against termite where colour is not important while, ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens can be used to preserve wood against fungal attack.
Abstract: The study focused on the effectiveness of using bio based preservatives as a controlling measure to biodetoriation from fungi and termite for wood in service. Wood samples of Triplochiton scleroxylon, Gmelina arborea, Ceiba pentandra used for the study were obtained from the sawmill of Ondo State Afforestation Project (OSAP) Oluwa and processed at...
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Effect of Processing and Packaging Materials on the Storability and Microorganisms Associated with Garcinia kola (Bitter kola)
Ihejirika G. O.
Nwufo M. I.
Ibeawuchi I. I.
Obilo O. P.
Ofor M. O.
Ogbedeh K. O.
Okoli N. A.
Mbuka C. O.
Agu G. N.
Ojiako F. O.
Akalazu J. N.
Emenike H. I.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 51-58
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The study on the effect of processing and packaging materials on the storability of Garcinia kola, Heckel, harvested from a local farm at Ngokpola was carried out in the green house of Federal University of Technology Owerri. It was laid out in a two factor factorial using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 12 treatments and was replicated 5 times. The pods was processed by three different processing methods, which are , cut fresh pods immediately it was harvested, kept the pods outside on a shade and allowed to decay for one week and soaked the pods in water and allowed to ferment for 1 week. It was observed that the pods kept outside on the ground and those soaked in water was significantly different at 5% level of probability. The seeds extracted from the different processing methods was stored and packaged in polythene bag, dry plantain leaves and cocoyam leaves then control. It was found that polythene bag retained moisture than others. Alkaloid has high phyto-chemical content in the seeds that was processed by keeping the pods outside on a ground and allowed to decay and packaged in cocoyam leaves, which might be as a result of the processing method and packaging materials used. The seeds contain Saponin, Cyanide, Tannin and Ash which makes it to be an anti-oxidant and anti-nutrient. The pathogens isolated from the seeds are Aspergillus sp, Penicillum sp and Diplodia sp, affect stored seeds. The respondents from the 60 questionnaires administered to people in 3 different zones in Imo state, showed that 60% of the pods are harvested when fallen pods are picked, 30% harvest when someone climbed the tree and pluck it with hand, 10% when the fruits are plucked with sticks while the harvester is on the ground. 80% processed the fruits by keeping it outside on the ground and allowed to decay and 20% cut the fresh pods immediately it was harvested. Based on the findings, I recommend that farmers and marketers should engage in good processing method and packaging materials such as the ones used in this work for preservation.
Abstract: The study on the effect of processing and packaging materials on the storability of Garcinia kola, Heckel, harvested from a local farm at Ngokpola was carried out in the green house of Federal University of Technology Owerri. It was laid out in a two factor factorial using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 12 treatments and was replicate...
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Characterization and Classification of Selected Rice Soils of Tropical Rainforest Region, Southeastern Nigeria
S. N. Obasi
E. U. Onweremadu
Egbuche C. T.
U. P. Iwuanyanwu
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 46-50
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The study carried out in Amachi Izzi, Abakaliki, tropical rainforest region, Southeastern Nigeria was aimed at characterizing and classifying the lowland rice soils of the area. Three pedons were sunk, at the region. Results showed that soils were strongly acidic (pH <5.0), profiles 1 and 3 had low organic matter while profile 2 was moderate. Total nitrogen was also low to medium while available P was medium. Sand exhibited low variation (CV ≤15%) at Profile 2 while it indicated moderate variation (CV>15≤35%) at Profile 1 and Profile 3. Silt varied lowly (CV≤15%) at Profile 1 and moderately (CV>15≤35%) at Profile 2 and Profile 3. Clay varied highly (CV>35%) in all pedons of Abakaliki lowland soils. Base saturation varied highly (CV>35%) at Profile 1 and Profile 2 and lowly (CV≤ 15%) at Profile 3. Al saturation varied highly (CV>35%) in all pedons at Ebonyi north lowlands. Ochric epipedons were observed in pedons 1, 2 and 3 and diagnostic subsurface horizons were kandic. The temperature regime and percentage base saturation were considered at the subgroup level in the soil taxonomy. Pedons 1 and 2 were classified as Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts and Eutric Cambisol (FAO – WRB) while Pedon 3 was classified as Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts and Dystric Cambisol (FAO – WRB).
Abstract: The study carried out in Amachi Izzi, Abakaliki, tropical rainforest region, Southeastern Nigeria was aimed at characterizing and classifying the lowland rice soils of the area. Three pedons were sunk, at the region. Results showed that soils were strongly acidic (pH <5.0), profiles 1 and 3 had low organic matter while profile 2 was moderate. Total nitrogen was also low to medium while available P was medium. Sand exhibited low variation (CV ≤15%) at Profile 2 while it indicated moderate variation (CV>15≤35%) at Profile 1 and Profile 3. Silt varied lowly (CV≤15%) at Profile 1 and mo...
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Effect of Selected Tree Species on Maximizing Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Imo State, Nigeria
Umeojiakor A. O.
Egbuche C. T.
Ubaekwe R. E.
Nwaihu E. C.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 40-45
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The world is currently experiencing a period of warming and the role of soil carbon pools for mitigation of greenhouse gases has encouraged the need for more knowledge on the tree species effects on soil organic carbon. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tree species on maximizing soil organic carbon sequestration in Imo State, Nigeria. Four tree species (Teak, Tectona grandis, linn, Gmelina, Gmelina arborea Roxb, Rubber plant, Hevea bransiliensis Mull. Arg. and Black velvet, Dialium guineense Wild) were chosen for the study. Random soil sampling was used in field studies. Soil samples were collected at the depth of 0-15cm and 15-30cm. these soil samples were prepared and subjected to routine laboratory analysis. Soil organic carbon sequestration was calculated and relationships between soil organic carbon sequestration and soil properties were obtained by simple correlation. Results showed that Tectona grandis of sequestration value 154.1 and 116.8 at top soil and subsoil respectively provides the best option for maximizing carbon sequestration in the soil, followed by Hevea bransiliensis (147.4 and 91.1), Gmelina arborea (134.1 and 81.1) and least was in Dialium guineese (108.1 and 60.1) at all depth. There was significant (P = 0.01) positive correlation between base saturation, calcium, total nitrogen with soil organic carbon sequestration at r –values of 0.77, 0.74 and 0.97 respectively. Hence, negative correlation existed between soil pH, clay fraction potassium with soil organic carbon sequestration with r-values of – 0.37, -0.68 and -0.54 respectively. It can be concluded that soil organic carbon sequestration decreases with decreasing depths and were greatly affected by tree species, soil properties and management practices.
Abstract: The world is currently experiencing a period of warming and the role of soil carbon pools for mitigation of greenhouse gases has encouraged the need for more knowledge on the tree species effects on soil organic carbon. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tree species on maximizing soil organic carbon sequestration in Imo State, Niger...
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Properties of Mine Soils in a Forested Hilly Terrain of Southeastern Nigeria
E. U. Onweremadu
E. I. Uzor
Egbuche C. T.
L. C. Agim
D. J. Njoku
A. C. Udebuani
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 34-39
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: Soils of a mine site at Leru, Abia State, Nigeria were characterized and classified for proper usage .A transect survey technique was employed in which a traverse was cut to link soils affected by mining to the unaffected soils in the area. Soil profile pits were dug described and sampled using standard techniques. Routine laboratory analyses were conducted on soil samples for selected soil properties. Soil data were subjected to mean statistic. Results indicated increasing sandiness and hulk densi1 in the epipedons closest to the mine site. Mean value of soil moisture in un-mined site (149.8 g kg-1) was higher than those of mine soils (144.2 g kg-1 for middle land unit and 137.0g kg-1 for pedon closest to the mine site). Mine soils were younger with silt-clay ratio ranging from 3.7 to 7.0 while unaffected soils were older (silt-clay ratio = 0.6). Low values of calcium-magnesium ratios (Ca/Mg < 3.0) were reported. Soil pH progressively increased towards un-mined site. The soil profile proximal to the mine site was shallower (depth <1 00cm) when compared with other soil profiles, and had a lithic contact at 90 cm depth. Based on field and laboratory analysis soils were classified as Lithic Dystrudepts (5 metres away from mine site), Typic Haplanthrepts (25 metres away from mine site) and Typic Hapludults (2 kilometres away from mine site).
Abstract: Soils of a mine site at Leru, Abia State, Nigeria were characterized and classified for proper usage .A transect survey technique was employed in which a traverse was cut to link soils affected by mining to the unaffected soils in the area. Soil profile pits were dug described and sampled using standard techniques. Routine laboratory analyses were ...
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Variability in selected Properties of Crude Oil – Polluted Soils of Izombe, Northern Niger Delta, Nigeria
Ihem E. E.
Osuji G. E.
Onweremadu E. U.
Uzoho B. U.
Nkwopara U. N.
Ahukemere C. M.
Onwudike S. O.
Ndukwu B. N.
Osisi A. S.
Okoli N. H.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 29-33
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: We investigated the variability in some soil properties influenced by crude oil-polluted soils of Izombe in Northern Niger Delta of Nigeria in 2013. A free survey technique was used in the field sampling with nine profile pits dug in the site. Routine soil analysis was conducted on some physico-chemical properties including heavy metals. Soil data were subjected to analysis of variance using proc mix-model of SAS software at P 0.05. Results showed that soils were dark grayish brown to red in colour. Soils of the studied area were also deep (>100cm), well drained and having percent sands (>80%). Soils from crude oil-polluted site showed lower pH (<3.92) than the unpolluted soils with pH >4.00. Soil organic matter, C:N ratio, TEA and percent Al. Sat, were appreciably higher in soils affected by crude oil pollution. Unaffected soils by crude oil pollution exhibited higher TN, P, TEB and B.Sat. Heavy metal concentrations in the polluted sites were relatively higher than their unaffected counterparts and were significant (p 0.05). Further studies should be conducted on some other properties and in owner-managed farm establishments.
Abstract: We investigated the variability in some soil properties influenced by crude oil-polluted soils of Izombe in Northern Niger Delta of Nigeria in 2013. A free survey technique was used in the field sampling with nine profile pits dug in the site. Routine soil analysis was conducted on some physico-chemical properties including heavy metals. Soil data ...
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Impacts of Tourism on the Coastal Environment of South China Sea: Terrestrial Perspective
Egbuche C. T.
Nwaihu E. C.
Umeojiakor A. O.
Zhang Jia’en
Okechukwu Ukaga
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 21-28
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: At recent times, Asia and the Pacific have been rated very high as major tourism destinations. This transdisciplinary (nature and social science concepts) study reveals that tourism activities generate pressure on forest ecosystems and coastal biodiversity. Dongguan forest (site) park attracted impact on terrestrial ecosystem with impact base respondent (9 000), while Shenzhen (18 000), Guangzhou (18 000) and Zhuhai (12 000) districts showed much higher values on general impact. A coastal activity survey and impact base of visitor response model evaluation was used. A general impact and causative platform were identified as driving fundamental (direct/indirect) factors in the region. Subjective and observed broad impacts were presented however; trampling had a major terrestrial impact on both ecosystems. Further investigation is needed to evaluate the economic impact of tourism in the region using industrial, urban and tourism potential factors after the 2008 Olympic Games in China. Strategies for appropriate action and government regulations are recommended concepts of terrestrial and coastal conservation planning and land use.
Abstract: At recent times, Asia and the Pacific have been rated very high as major tourism destinations. This transdisciplinary (nature and social science concepts) study reveals that tourism activities generate pressure on forest ecosystems and coastal biodiversity. Dongguan forest (site) park attracted impact on terrestrial ecosystem with impact base respo...
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Batch Studies for the Investigation of the Mechanism of Pb Sorption in Selected Acid Soils of China
Nkwopara U. N.
Emenyonu-Chris C. M.
Ihem E. E.
Ndukwu B. N.
Onweremadu E. U.
Ahukaemere C. M.
Egbuche C. T.
Hu H.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 11-20
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: The experiment focuses on mechanisms of Pb retention on acid soils. A batch experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of solution pH and ionic strength of electrolytes which will show the mechanisms of Pb retention on the soils. Result show that sorption of lead was affected strongly by solution pH and ionic strength of electrolytes. Retention of lead increased with increase in solution pH and decreased with increase in ionic strength of electrolytes. This suggests that surface complexation and ion exchange are the mechanisms of Pb retention on these acid soils. At pH above 6 there was precipitation of lead. SEM studies visualized the formation of white layers of Pb over the soil surface. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the adsorption of lead ions made the surface of the soil particles rougher than those without lead. This morphological change points to the formation of a surface coating on the soil particles.
Abstract: The experiment focuses on mechanisms of Pb retention on acid soils. A batch experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of solution pH and ionic strength of electrolytes which will show the mechanisms of Pb retention on the soils. Result show that sorption of lead was affected strongly by solution pH and ionic strength of electrolytes. Reten...
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Rapid Risk Reduction Strategies Using Some Horticultural Plants in a Changing Atmosphere among Urban and Peri-Urban Centres of the Atlantic Coast in Nigeria
E. U. Onweremadu
A. C. Udebuani
Egbuche C. T.
Ndukwu B. N.
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 5-10
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: There are irregular global changes in climatic attributes. Nigeria is not left out in the unpredictable atmospheric variability especially in its coastlands. The situation has led to varying forms of environmental challenges, calling for rapid risk reduction responses. This paper suggested four technologies namely, vegetable intercrop production, improved fallow systems, biomass technology and night-soil technologies as efficacious in sequestering atmospheric carbon directly or indirectly. These technologies are easily adaptable in the agro ecological zone following its characteristic multifloristic structure and climatic peculiarities as well as demographic attributes. Coastland climate change adaptation and irrigation experimental stations should be established in the area to evaluate efficacy of these technologies.
Abstract: There are irregular global changes in climatic attributes. Nigeria is not left out in the unpredictable atmospheric variability especially in its coastlands. The situation has led to varying forms of environmental challenges, calling for rapid risk reduction responses. This paper suggested four technologies namely, vegetable intercrop production, i...
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Spatial Patterns of Nutrient Distribution in Dalingshan Forest Soil of Guangdong Province China
Egbuche C. T.
Su Zhiyoa
Anyanwu J. C.
Onweremadu E. U.
Nwaihu E. C.
Umeojiakor A. O.
A. E. Ibe
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 1-4
Received: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 25 February 2015
Published: 19 May 2015
Abstract: Spatial nutrients that includes OM, Avail.K, Avail.P and TN distribution and the influences on vegetation patterns in Dalingshan was the cardinal focus of this study. Ecological data (moisture content, bulk density and topography) were considered. One way ANOVA was statistically tested of spatial distribution of major nutrients across 4 plots which indicated non significant at p = 0.05 level, TN (p = 0.0216), OM (p = 0.00004), Avail.K (p = 0.00216) respectively. Furthermore one way ANOVA was tested on acidity level (pH) measured against the nutrients distribution TN (p = 0.0031), OM (p = 0.0004), Avail.K (p = 0.0216) respectively at non significance level but available phosphorous was significantly different (p = 0.6412). The study revealed unique spatial patterns of soil nutrient distribution in Dalingshan and species abundance while vegetation census posed a new direction of study that may be adapted for a broad range of regional vegetation and floristic modeling. This paper suggests that forest soil nutrients and vegetation interaction can be utilized for further studies on multifactor ecosystem responses towards regional ecological restoration.
Abstract: Spatial nutrients that includes OM, Avail.K, Avail.P and TN distribution and the influences on vegetation patterns in Dalingshan was the cardinal focus of this study. Ecological data (moisture content, bulk density and topography) were considered. One way ANOVA was statistically tested of spatial distribution of major nutrients across 4 plots which...
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